Should I shave my head

Let me guess, you look in the mirror each day and realize that your hair just isn't what it used to be.  It appears to be thinning, but you try to convince yourself that it's not.  Fast forward a few months or years and you notice it more and people make comments about your hair or lack of.  You finally came to the realization that they are right and realize that you are officially balding.  

You don't like the idea of it all, but you must face reality.  Your options are treating it, letting it go, or shaving it off.  None of them are good options you think.  Well, let me break it down for you because there is a clear direction that will change you for the better.

Treating it - You can buy a toupee, wig, get different drugs that slow down or possibly reverse the process, or hair grafts.  There are men that do each one of these, but what you are really trying to do is reverse your genetics and beat the odds.  Don't get me wrong there are people that find success, but also many that end up with no more hair than they started with or a rug on their heads.  

Letting it go - Another option for the "I don't really care" sort of guy.  This look is the classic bald guy look.  Big u shape on your head or a big circle in the back.  It's ok, but no doubt that this ages you far beyond your years.  Not much maintenance, but not for me.

Shave it off - Now we are talking.  It really is a big move and something that totally changes your appearance.  You will go from balding guy to badass in a few swipes of the razor.  This is the look for the guy that is ready to be cool with the baldness, but also take control of it.  The Sir Hare brand is for this type of guy.  We are all about you because we are one of you.


If you are struggling with the loss of your hair and don't know what to do then take that step and shave it off.  I did many years ago and it was one of the best decisions I made.  

Read our First time head shaving guide if you are ready to take the next step


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