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Shave Forum | Complete Forum Directory

Comprehensive list to shaving forums and other gathering places.  A shave forum is simply a website where people gather and chat about different topics.  In this case primarily around Shaving, Mens grooming, Personal Care, and Grooming.

 These forums are packed with information.  If you can't find what you are looking for just ask.  No question is too simple and in most cases you'll get a quick response.

Below are links to some of the most popular shave forums.  If you know others that are not listed just drop us a note and let us know.

Badger and Blade - is one of the oldest shaving forums with a very active community.  They have been going since 2005 with over 8 Million posts and 76,000 members.

Reddit - Wicked Edge - Reddit is not really a forum, but it's a great website where you can find just about anything and the different topics are organized into subreddits.  Wicked Edge is one of those subs that has grown to be a huge shaving community with almost 90,000 subscribers

The Shave Den -  Online since 2007 and 15,000 members strong.  A bit smaller than the others, but still a huge site with over 1 million posts.

The Sharpologist 

The Shave Nook

Against the Grain

Straight Razor Place