Read this before buying Shaving cream warmer or hot lather machine

Shaving Cream Warmer

The fact that you are searching for a shaving cream warmer means you know that there is more to shaving than just slapping some shaving gel out of the dispenser on your face and shaving it off with a cheap razor.

Shaving when done right can be a really enjoyable experience when warming shaving cream prior to shaving. This is done by using warm water and warm lather allowing your whiskers to soften up and make it much easier.
Nobody will argue that Hot Shaves are the defacto standard when it comes to better shaves. Traditionalists using a good shaving soap and others want a different approach such as a heated shaving cream dispenser.

The warm lather also feels great on your face especially during the cooler months, which is when shaving cream warmers really become popular. These warmers are also called hot lather machines and I’ll use both names, so don’t be confused as they refer to the same type of machine.

Before I tell you why you don’t really want a shaving cream warmer, let me tell you how much they cost, what is considered the best shaving cream warmer and then I’ll tell you why you should save your money.

How much is a hot lather machine?

The prices range from around $20 dollars up to over $200. Unless you are a professional barber there is absolutely no reason to drop a hundred or two on one of these things. It’s just not worth it.

Can you use Gel or Cream?

Some warmers are gel only and others claim to use gel and/or cream. It might require an adaptor to dispense the shaving cream or gel canister and these are hit and miss on how well they work. You can also pop the top off of your shaving container and attach it directly to the machine.

What is the best Shaving cream warmer?

This is a very unfortunate product where the best is 3.5 stars on Amazon out of 5, so I’m not going to call it the best shaving cream warmer. It’s the better value because of a combined low price along with a high number of reviews. The overall rating of the Conair lather machine is still not good.

The Conair HGL1NR Gel and Lather heating system at the time of this post is priced at $19.99 on Amazon

Now why you don’t want one of these machines.

I mentioned above, but the reviews are just terrible. Many people complain that the different types of shaving creams, gels, etc don’t dispense the product very well. There are complaints that the machine stops working after just a week, the quality is not good, some have issues with shaving cream squirting all over the place. One reviewer mentioned that rubbing shaving cream between their hands would produce a warmer lather than one of these machines.

You would think that maybe just one company has a bad product, but no. Each and every shaving cream warmer review that I searched for is plagued with the same type of customer complaints.

Don’t let go of that idea of the warm lather soothing your face because there are other options that provide all of the benefits and more of a shaving cream warmer….

Introducing Traditional Shaving Soap

There is an explosion of artisans and traditional companies that produce high quality shaving soap. The best part is that you use a shaving brush with warm to hot water to lather up the soap into thick shaving cream.

The benefits of the hot lather machine, but without the machine. It’s an enjoyable shaving experience with the moisturizing properties of the hot lather that softens your whiskers and provides an amazing shave.

Once you try it, you’ll be hooked and shaving cream or gel in a can will be a thing of the past.

Some additional benefits are the ingredients. Take a look at your aerosol can and you will find ingredients that dry out your skin and you might not even know what some of them are. Shaving Soap is made with age old soap making ingredients and it will protect your skin during shave and you don’t need to lather ingredients that you can’t pronounce on your skin.

Whatever you do put down the idea of a shaving cream warmer and really upgrade your shave.

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